Monday, October 09, 2006

Guess Who's Back?

King Koopa is back in the game.

Mick Jagger w/ Ry Cooder - Memo To Turner [mp3]

Say, did anybody else notice Beck sampled Herbie Hancock's "Chameleon" for his new single "Cellphone's Dead"? Here's a high school band playing "Chameleon", from DJ Shadow's compilation "Schoolhouse Funk".


BK/CK said...

Ignore all that nonsense from the "Curtain Call" post. Blogging's great!!! Being a blogger is the coolest!!! Besides, as it turns out, I actually don't have better things to do with my time.

Anonymous said...


BK/CK said...

I should've qualified that last remark of mine, sorry sweetcheeks. I over-generalized. Painted w/ too broad of a brush. You're still tops in my world, toots.

I run a kid-friendly blog here, otherwise I'd make a sleazy pun.

BK/CK said...

If Beck didn't pay Herbie and Herbie's record company the sample fees for that bassline, there will be lawyers knocking down his door before you can say "nagadocious". B'lee dat.