Monday, November 21, 2005

Rowboats for Robots

This post has nothing to do with rowboats, but everything to do with robots. That phrase just made me smile and when I searched Yahoo with that phrase in quotes, I found that it exists nowhere else on the internet. Now it does. You’re welcome, world. Don’t say I never contributed anything during my time here. "Rowboats for Robots" would make a great album title, but I’d make you pay me a million nickels if you ever used it. Intellectual property, baby. The economy of the future.

“But, why robots today?”, you ask. Because Buster Larkins alerted me to the fact that Beck has a new video out now for “Hell Yes”. It’s really awesome. It’s got really awesome robots. Four robots, in fact. It’s got four robots that nobody has ever seen before. Here’s what Beck’s website had to say about them: They're called QRIOs, so-called "dream robots" developed by Sony Japan as high-tech playthings for children. The QRIO can carry on conversations, adapt to a multitude of environments and - most importantly - mimic human movements, including complex dance routines. Currently, there are only four working QRIOs in the world. And all of them appear in the "Hell Yes" video.

My interest was sufficiently piqued. Then I watched the video. And, I had the same experience as a lot of people, apparently, according to the director: "Most of the people who have seen the video come away thinking that there's no way the QRIOs are real. They think they're like people in robot suits or something."

So, here’s the link to the “Hell Yes” video. And, below are two of my favorite robot songs. There are loads of great songs about robots. These two just get preferential treatment for being the two weirdest songs about robots that I’ve ever heard. Feel free to submit a favorite or a Top 5 or something. These could be the weirdest songs you'll find on this blog for awhile, so, if that's your bag, don't miss out on these two.

Andrew Thompson – We’re in Business (If you weren’t afraid of robots before, maybe you will be now. ‘You might think that they’re you’re friends/They’ll only kill you in the end/Never trust robots’)

TV on the Radio – Robots (These are the drrrrrty robots. Not as scary as Andrew Thompson’s robot, more horny. Robots getting freaky...nearly everywhere.)

1 comment:

BK/CK said...

Whoa, Hideawayheads, I can't keep up with your torrent of favorite robot songs! I've got Top 5 lists overflowing the Hideaway! Slow down, I'm only one man.

Beck decided to change his website yesterday, so that link is no longer working...I'll see what I can do to fix it, but you could always just go to and seek it out yourself. Maybe it'll be more rewarding that way, you'll feel like you earned it.