Wednesday, July 27, 2005

VHS or Beta @ MMS

"HELL YEAH!!!!", says the man in the red shirt in the front row Posted by Picasa

VHS or Beta - No Cabaret

This fella above is a good buddy of mine and he just so happens to be a big fan of VHS or Beta. In fact, I credit him with turning me on to one of the coolest new bands I've heard in awhile. (Think: Duran Duran mixed with The Cure mixed with Daft Punk.) Dude was my roommate for awhile and he goes by the nom de plum "Paloz" (a variation on his real last name, sort like King "Koopa".) Well, this picture was taken of him last Saturday night at The Patio when we saw VHS or Beta as part of the Midwest Music Summit. It was an awesome show that had me shakin my moneymaker and producing beads of sweat on my forehead the size of ping pong balls. There was some guy there who was taking pictures at each stop of their tour and posting the pictures on his site LastNightsParty. The photographer just happened to catch Paloz as he was exhorting the band with a couple "Hell yeah!!!"s or "Yeah bass!!!" or the relatively rare "Get nasty!!!". It was a really fun night of dancing around and screaming like kids hopped up on No Doz. If you go see VHS or Beta, an activity I highly recommend, make sure to dress appropriately (no sweaters or snowsuits) and wear proper shoes because you WILL 'get nasty'. I know I did.

Enjoy a little danceable goodness and Paloz's purportedly favorite VHS or Beta song, "No Cabaret". (Would you ever guess that the lead singer is a mulleted Asian from Louisville, KY? Didn't think so...)


Mathis said...

My buddy did all the video effects for their video. The one that goes back and forth between VHS and Beta, I guess.

To sum, I am cooler than you.

Mathis said...

Also: who knew there were hot indie Asians in Indy? Color me...intrigued. Or rather...intweagued.

Mathis said...

Oops! Here's the hot indie Indy Asian chick pic.

BK/CK said...

Same "buddy" who did the video for the Band of Bees?

Dude, it's SO not cool to claim buddy status with some guy you shook hands with at a film festival. I know how you Los Angelenos network.

Yeah, I saw a couple hot indie asians that night. Where they came from I do not know, but I feel confident in saying they were from out of town. Indy is whiter than the antarctic snow.

Mathis said...

Do not rain on my parade, you homo.

Sapien!! SNAP!

BK/CK said...

AM: Now it looks like Buster's raining on your asian fetish parade. Hope you brought an umbrella to the Hideaway, you funky homo...sapien. Double SNAP!

Buster: Entertaining gentlemen with her eastern, mystical feminine talents shouldn't affect her "indie" status. Her relative "hotness" on the other hand is all in the eye of the beholder, asian fetishist or not. I'd give her about 6.5 chili peppers on the sizzleometer.

Mathis said...

Vietna-lisa -- Get it!! Cause she's ASIAN!

Just further proof that it must absolutely suck to not be a white person in Indiana.

Mathis said...

No worries, Buster. I'm not the most PC person myself, but I do find it funny that a name like "Vietna-lisa" would be popularized to the point of the person actually using it herself.

The only thing funnier is if she were actually Chinese or something.

Or retarded.