Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Pass the Jelly

a taste of jelly Posted by Hello

Lemon Jelly - Soft (1st post on the Hideaway, feat. Peter Cetera, sort of)

Lemon Jelly - The Staunton Lick

Lemon Jelly - Ramblin Man (feat. Charlton Heston, sort of)

Lemon Jelly - Homage to Patagonia

Yesterday, the Hideaway experienced it’s first “outside” link from the mp3 blogging community, which means citizens of the global village have been perusing the Hideaway for the past day or so, or at least more than the usual 5 who check this site (I think I need to work on my blog-roll). Welcome, I hope ya like it! What’s even cooler is that it appears that Dodge, the blogger in question, hangs his hat in the same city as myself (I don’t live in the Hideaway year-round). I’ve decided to revive my inaugural post on Koopa’s Hideaway and maybe even pimp it out with some additional songs.

“Soft” was roundly ignored when it first came up, but the Hideaway was pretty empty back then. Every person that I’ve played this for falls in love with it, without fail. Don't be the first person to make the other list. “The Staunton Lick” is just a blissful builder of a tune, great for summer days and feeling the wind in your hair. “Rambin Man” was the theme-song of my round-the-world trip a few years ago. If you’re a ramblin man like myself, this’ll make it onto any trip mix you make from this point forward. “Homage to Patagonia” is a song that ends of on a lot of my mixes because it fits so many different moods. I could play this song at a dinner party, beach party, or cocktail party and it’ll be catchin ears everywhere I go. Beautiful piano loop and bongo samples.

I think Lemon Jelly sorta sum up the vibe and attitude of this site. Think RJD2 or The Avalanches except with more cheeky & fun-loving British humor tossed in for good measure. Lemon Jelly are just two guys with really deep record collections and a love of music. When I started producing beats with a friend of mine awhile back, I wanted our stuff to sound like Lemon Jelly could’ve produced it. One of the guys, Nick Franglin, produced William Shatner’s stellar solo album that came out this year. And, a Lemon Jelly song off their newest album (which isn’t quite as memorable as their earlier stuff) is featured in the trailers for Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Pass the Jelly, please!

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